Our curriculum is an endless journey of opportunities presented to the children for exploration, investigation and discovery.
During your time at Cannington Pre-school our curriculum will unfold in stages enabling all your child’s learning to be discovered and explored at their pace. A flexible curriculum rich in experiences and opportunities for your child to add their own interests. Supportive adults add language, provoke deeper level thinking and encourage children to communicate their ideas.
Together we shall share this learning journey, embracing opportunities to develop life skills across the seven areas of learning, through gardening, planet protecting projects, well-being and exercise. Where mathematics and literacy appear naturally, carefully woven into every aspect of our curriculum to ensure all children learn and develop as they play and explore.
We believe all children should have an experience rich childhood, a childhood that is filled with fun and opportunities, a childhood where the simple things in life can become the most meaningful.
Our ambition is for every child to feel valued, to feel secure, to feel confident to explore and excited to try new things.
Together we can make that happen for all our children.

Marvellous Musician
Children can identify the sounds of musical instruments and are confident to use them to accompany a piece of music of their choice. Children hear a wide variety of music from across the world.
Spellbinding Singer
Children learn a wide variety of songs and are confident to sing either individually or as part of a small group. Children are encouraged to improvise and create their own songs.
Dazzling Dancer
Children are introduced to a variety of music and are encouraged to respond emotionally and physically, using spontaneous movements, reflecting the tempo of the music.
Brilliant Baker
Children are given the opportunity to explore recipes, combining media to create drinks, food items and playdough. Children develop an understanding of the process involved to create an end product.

Media Mixer
Children are offered a wide variety of media encouraging curiosity to explore and investigate, observing how different combinations create different textures and consistencies.
Magnificent Mark Maker
Children are given endless opportunities to create marks in a variety of ways including paint, chalk, water during play. Adults support knowledge to develop children’s mark making to create representations of familiar objects and people to express meaning and tell their own stories. Children develop their gross motor movements through play, music and exercise sessions and invitations to learn give children opportunities to develop small muscle coordination alongside dough disco and finger strengthening activities.

Lover of Literacy
There is so much value in taking a moment to share a story with a young child that it forms a key element in our daily routine. Children learn so much from the experience of sharing a story with an adult, they become attentive listeners, hear how letters and words are pronounced, learn new vocabulary and gain an unmeasurable amount of knowledge to enhance their imaginations. Knowledge is then used to recreate stories in play, retell a story independently, enhance descriptive language and develop an understanding of rhyme. The power of both non-fiction and fiction books to provoke deeper level thinking and curiosity is something that cannot be underestimated. Books are found in every corner of our environment for children to look at independently or share with an adult.
Additional Support for Learning
Our experience is that all children at some time in their lives have some additional need, whether it be the arrival of a new baby, a house move, or changes in family life. Through ongoing discussions we will work towards your child having the richest experience at Cannington Pre-School.
For most children, learning is supported through our usual planning and discussion. Occasionally a child may require some additional and individual support, which may be different to their peers. We work closely with families to involve other professionals to support your child. If you have any concern about your child, please speak to your child’s Key Person.