Preparing Your Child for Pre-School
Pre-school staff
Daily routine
Opportunities to develop independence
Opportunities to develop self-confidence, self-regulation and positive attitudes
Opportunities to develop self-help skills
Opportunities to encourage decision making
Opportunities to develop gross motor skills
Opportunities to develop fine motor skills
Opportunities for the child to have a voice and make choices
Opportunities to develop problem solving skills
Opportunities to develop empathy and understanding of how others feel
Opportunities to develop positive relationships with peers and adults
Opportunities to learn about keeping our bodies healthy and oral health
Opportunities to count, recognise numerals and subitise
Opportunities to develop a love of literacy and extend vocabulary
Opportunities to develop mark making skills leading onto writing skills
Opportunities to be listened to by sharing thoughts and ideas
Opportunities to be curious learners
Opportunities to develop skills that will ensure a smooth transition to school
An understanding of their own emotions and those of others
An understanding of rules and boundaries
An understanding of the world around us
Time for child initiated and adult led learning. Sustained shared thinking.
Welcome Newsletter
Stationery hub
Tapestry parent letter and agreement
Early Years Pupil Premium (Somerset CC)
2 Year Old Funding Application Form (Somerset CC)
Invoices are raised within the first week of every new term and are payable within 2 weeks of receipt.
You may pay by:
Online Banking (Account Number: 65525436 Sort Code: 089299)
Cheque (Cannington Pre-School)
Childcare Vouchers or Tax Free Childcare